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Dear Coronavirus, thank you for reminding us

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

With the current Global situation we will be in Quarantine for some time

Wake up, meditate, read a book, listen to a podcast, get dressed and begin your quarantine day!

I will be completely honest with you, I am loving spending alone time at home and I will tell you why. I am currently in my first year of my Masters degree at The Royal College of Art and I have struggled to find a balance between my university work and my business. My heart is with my business and so I make it my main priority, as a result of this university work has suffered. So having this break away from uni has allowed me to put all my energy into my business and myself! Although this is still a very stressful time my aim is to just focus on how this situation can benefit us in a positive way.

A few weeks ago I thought to myself what has this virus given us apart from complete and utter devastation, but then I came a across a post on instagram that said

"Dear Coronavirus, thank you for reminding us...
1)How connected we all really are and that the social and geographical borders we've created are just abstract constructs
2)That we have the power to choose loving thoughts instead of fearful thoughts
3)That each and every act of kindness has immeasurable ripple effects
4)That art, music, movement and being in nature are our true forms of medicine
5)That people are always more important than profit"

This outlook is truly inspiring and continues to spread a positive light on the current global situation!

This is a chance for us to reconnect with family members, embrace our creativity and take some time for ourselves because normally our daily lives are so busy we barely have time for ourselves and loved ones.

“We are in this together, we will fight this together and we will come out the other side together"
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